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Heavy Shoulder Award - Welcome to Cub.
The Phenomenon that was the Patch of the Day. Monday, September 20, 2010. Ok so here is an easy trivia question. What was the most in demand set from the 2010
The Webelos Super Achiever award is for Webelos who earn all 20 Webelos activity badges. This is a council specific award, not a national award.
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webelos heavy shoulder patch
Goose Creek District Cub Scout Roundtable.
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Webelos Super Achiever Award - Scouter.

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Goose Creek District Cub Scout Roundtable. 115 likes · 2 talking about this.
The quinessential guide to Cub Scout Leader Ceremonies. This resource also contains volumes of information on Songs, Yells, Chants, other Celemonies, Skits, Games
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This patch is presented to the Webelos Scout who has earned every activity pin that there is to earn! We call it the Heavy Shoulder Award, because with all those pins .